Drug Synthroid Online (Levothyroxine) is used for treating low thyroid hormone levels and certain types of goiters. Abilify (Aripiprazole) is used for treating agitation caused by schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, depression. Click to see full text here:

Contact Me

Concurrent with curatorship, a major focus of my effort is to establish a persistent presence on the internet to extend virtual access to the artifacts. The internet provides an ideal medium for proliferation of the information conveyed by these pieces and allows for knowledge mining via search engines. Online electronic archiving increases the probability that the data harvested from the people who designed and built the technology, and the artifacts themselves will remain accessible indefinitely.
For those in possession of material from the U.S. Space program, please do consider donation to the collection as a potential option for curatorship of material that would otherwise be relegated to a dumpster or go unappreciated in your absence. If donation is not an option I am prepared to leverage personal funding to support a acquisition. In either case, I will ensure your material continues to communicate the achievements of those who enabled the technology and survive as a lasting monument/testimonial of America’s ability to achieve the impossible.
I welcome any other comments or questions about my collection. To get in contact with me, please use the following information:

Scott Schneeweis
Email Address: spaceaholic@gmail.com or scott@spaceaholic.com
Mobile: (520) 481-4948
Drug Synthroid Online (Levothyroxine) is used for treating low thyroid hormone levels and certain types of goiters. Abilify (Aripiprazole) is used for treating agitation caused by schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, depression. Click to see full text here:
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Drug Synthroid Online (Levothyroxine) is used for treating low thyroid hormone levels and certain types of goiters. Abilify (Aripiprazole) is used for treating agitation caused by schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, depression. Click to see full text here:
Errors occurred when trying to access /index.php/about/contact?ertthndxbcvs=yes: